1. I hate things that are named something they are not. Planned Parenthood. It seems to me that “Planned Parenthood” should really be named something like, Planned Un-Parenthood. Or something really more realistic, Orgasm Orgasm Pregnant Shit. Representatives could fall in this category as well, while their name is not a total misnomer, whom they claim to represent is a complete lie. Sure they represent but it is not the people, Republican, Democrat, or any other party, these individuals are representing the paycheck. Not your paycheck either. Pigs with lipstick.
2. The Cross. I said it, I hate the cross. No matter where your religious stand is the cross is ridiculous! Maybe wear a silver plated flip flop, loaf of bread, anything other than a cross. Having been at one time a Sunday School Teacher, Song Director, and Youth Group Leader in a Baptist Church I speak now saying , “What the Fuck?”. If someday our mythological hero does return do you think that’s what he wants to see. Folks this is what starts the earth burning in Armageddon. Christ is going to come down from Heaven, see everyone bearing witness and paying homage to the chunk of wood he was pinned to, the thing he was nailed to and left to die on, or so the story goes. I would burn the place down too.
This is titled “A few things I hate” so for today I will leave it at only a couple of things I hate. So its not exactly what I called it, crucify me.